Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's a Trust Issue

A couple of years ago, I kept hearing God say, “It’s time for you to retire, take care of your little back yard nursery and be available for all the people I will put in your path.” But God”, I said, “we will starve, lose the house, we can’t live on social security”. God said, “Trust me.” I fought it for two years but this year I tossed in the towel and am loving every minute of it! Yes, I still slip into doubt but God comes through in the most unusual and unexpected times!

I had started Mimi's greenhouse, a little backyard nursery that is doing well but not enough to support us yet. I donate 10% of all my sales to Chad and Ryan Morgan who I've talked about a bunch in this blog. I figure God will bless the nursery so I can bless Chad and Ryan. There seems to be a constant stream of young (well, younger than me) women who want to visit and talk to me. I have had many bumps along the way and have learned valuable lessons - most of them the hard way. I love sharing the things God has taught me, praying with these girls and sometimes just being there to listen. I knew I needed more time to be available.Also, My son is a single dad and custodial parent for my grandsonTad. It helps both of them if I am available to pick Tad up at school or have him for sleepovers so dad can have a little time for himself. 

God has always provided for us but it was nearly always in additional hours at work, a bonus or raise - rarely did He hand me cash outright! It has happened several times this year. I worried because I don't have a" ministry" with a name or place that I can say is mine and people could donate to. God doesn't care about all that. When He calls you to serve Him in any way, He will provide what you need to do it.

An opportunity came up a few weeks ago to go up to Kentucky and teach my girlfriend how to blog. See this post. Some other friends were going too and they made reservations at Solomon's Porch in Lynch. On a whim, I listed for sale some rooted cuttings I had done and seeds I had received free form my brother. They sold in 24 hours for enough money to pay for my room!

I wanted to take Tad to the beach this fall. He hasn't been since he was two and doesn't remember much about it. I prayed. "God, if you want us to go,please  provide the money. I'll know we are not supposed to go if you don't." Of course, I began to try to figure out ways I could help God do that. I had a little cash stashed away for some Greenhouse future expenses. Probably enough for condo but nothing left for food or entertainment. I waited. Several weeks later I was visiting a close relative and she said, "I know you want to take Tad to the beach and I want to give you this to help with your expenses."  She handed me a check for $1000.00! After the tithe, it was enough to pay for our condo and have some left over!

So if you are feeling called, pray. Pray and wait. When He confirms through His Word (the Bible), other people, circumstances and the Holy Spirit step out and trust that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it! (Phil 1:6)

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” Matthew 6: 33-34

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