Friday, October 30, 2015

Busy fall days acting like a homesteader

October has been a busy month.  I'm into canning and a lot of other homestead lifestyle activities even though I still live on the small trailer lot in the middle of town. 

But notice the mesh bag hanging on the deck.  That's sheep's wool hanging out to dry. It was tedious work cleaning it, and there are many more bags worth yet to do, but when I am done washing and carding it, I will have enough bats to make a warm quilt.  This is a project I started because I am still hoping to get that piece of land and then we are planning on having sheep.  The wool was given to me and I wanted to get started learning to use it.

My cottage garden around the trailer has to fend for itself a lot these days, but it seems to be doing well in spite of my being so sidetracked.

We have already had a few light frosts, and even though the roses have been hit, it doesn't prevent them from putting on a show.

While some of the less hardy annuals, like impatiens, have succumbed to the cold, there are plenty of perennials and a few brave annuals like alyssum and lobelia to carry on until the snow covers them.

In my front walk garden, the birds planted a sunflower seed, and it adds a needed bit of color to that side of the house.

So while the garden continues on with it's mums, and munk's hood, and roses,

I'll just keep playing acting being a homesteader, and I'll put up some more jars of tomatoes to help see me through the winter.

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