Monday, February 23, 2015

Easy To Grow Houseplants

Some houseplants can require a lot of tender loving care, however there are a nice selection of beautiful easy to grow houseplants. Plus some of these don't even mind a little neglect once in awhile. Below is my top 10 easy to grow houseplants:

1. Philodendrons - Prefers moderate light, so you don't need to have it close to a window, plus only requires moderate to low water levels.

2. Snake Plants (Mother-in-law's Tongue) - My experience with this plant is that it will grow in almost any condition. In general, Snake plants require moderate to bright light, with moderate to low watering levels. I had my Snake plant in a room with one window that the shades barely ever got opened plus it was forgotten to water it often as well. Needless to say, it is still alive and very much well. Of course it is still not in the dark room, but it survived the 6 months there with no effect whatsoever.

3. Spider Plants - These are another one of the ultimate easy to grow houseplants. These plants seem to survive anything. Spider plants require moderate light and low to moderate water levels. Plus they grow additional Spider plants, so if you keep re-potting the offsets, you never run out.

4. Aloe Vera Plants - Prefers moderate to low light levels. The big plus to Aloe Vera plants is that you only have to water it about once every two weeks.

5. Christmas Cactus - Requires moderate to bright light, so you can have it right in the window or further away. Plus, just like the Aloe Vera plants you only need to water it once or twice every two weeks. I only water my Christmas Cactus once every two weeks.

6. Dragon Dracaena - Some people say that Dracaena's are hard to care for, yet I disagree. I actually have quite a few varieties. I have two groupings of Madagascar Dragon Trees plus one Corn Plant. Houseplants within the Dracaena family tend to prefer moderate to bright lighting as well as moderate water levels. I feel they are a very durable plant that can add a lot of drama to your room.

7. Cast Iron Plants - These plants require moderate to low light levels. So depending on your space, it should grow almost anywhere. They also prefer moderate watering so once a week is sufficient.

8. Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) - These plants are said to be able to be grown by anyone; however this is one plant I struggle with. Mine looks good, but it seems I have to water it extremely often, a couple times a week. But my mom barely does anything to hers and it looks just like mine.

9. Peace Lily - These plants are so easy to care for, they'll tell you when they need water by drooping for you. Peace Lily's also only require moderate to low light levels.

10. Ponytail Palms - Put this palm in the window and water once every week to two weeks and you're good to go.

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